Responsible parties: Partners of the Sherpa do Mar project (University of Vigo; Galician Innovation Agency; University of Santiago de Compostela; University of Coruña; Consortium of the Vigo Free Trade Zone; University of Porto; UPTEC - Associação de Transfer de Tecnologia da Asprela; Forum Oceano- Associação da Economia do Mar; CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research). Purpose: incorporate your business idea / line of research in the public file of the Sherpa do Mar Program website and manage contact with interested parties; Sending information that may be of interest to you in the field of entrepreneurship and R&D&i, including by electronic means. Legitimation: consent and legitimate and public interest of the person in charge. Recipients: Your identification data will be published in the file through the web. Those interested in your project may send you an email through the Sherpa do Mar Portal. No other transfers to third parties are foreseen. Profiles will not be created. There will be no international data transfer. Conservation: as long as your withdrawal from the publication management system of your idea does not operate and as long as your withdrawal from the sending of information does not operate. Rights: you can revoke consent, access, oppose, rectify, delete, limit your data or require portability, by contacting Additional information in our
privacy policy.